How to use Content Curator?
What is Content Curator?
Content Curator is a tool that allows you to curate content from the Web, rewrite it with the push of a button and publish it on your website or blog. All you need to do is to enter a topic and the system will scrap and spin content that is unique each time. This tool is also a content automation solution which can publish content to your WordPress website or blog without any manual input.
How to Use Content Curator?
From the TOOLS menu, under Other Tools, select Content Curator.

Click on the blue + button at the top right of the page and you will have two options:
Standard Search - Curate content from the Web.
AI Search - Get an AI-generated article.

Standard Search
Select Standard Search and you will be taken to a search form. Enter the keywords that you want to write about and select if you want to add any images or videos to your article.

Click Get Content and our tool will then scrap and spin content that relates to the keyword you entered and automatically generate an article in a WordPress post format for you to consider.

You can edit the text and change the images or videos before saving, by selecting the relevant tab from the top of the article. For example, click on the Videos tab to view other videos that relates to the keyword you entered and select the one that you want to use in the article.

You can also get a spintax or another spun version of the article by selecting the relevant tab at the top right of the article.

To post the article directly to your WordPress website or blog, select the POST WORDPRESS SITE tab at the top of the page, fill in the details of your WordPress website or blog and click Post Now to publish the article.

AI Search
Select AI search and enter the keywords that you want to write about, select the category of your article from the list provided and select if you want to add images or videos to your article. Then, click on the Get Content button and Content Curator will generate an article for you, using AI (Artificial Intelligence).

For AI-generated articles, you can edit, save, get a spintax or a spun version and post the articles to your WordPress website or blog in the same way that you can do with Standard Search articles.
Updated on: 14/01/2022
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