Articles on: Other Tools

How to check if your spintax is correct with Spintax Checker?

What is a spintax?

A spintax is a collection of a variation of words or phrases where is each variation of a word / phrase is separated by "|" (pipe) or "/" slash character. The Spintax begins with a opening curly bracket "{ " and ends with a closing curly bracket "}". A spintax allows writers to produce a number of phrases from a single spintax. Here is an example of spintax:

"Growing plants in {confined|restricted} {spaces|areas} such as {{small|little} {houses|homes}|cottages} {has|has actually} {become|ended up being} {more and more|increasingly more|a growing number of} popular in the last {decade|years}."

From the spintax above you could generate a variety of phrases, for example:

Growing plants in restricted spaces such as cottages has become a growing number of popular in the last decade.
Growing plants in confined spaces such as cottages has become increasingly more popular in the last decade.
Growing plants in restricted areas such as small homes has ended up being a growing number of popular in the last years.
Growing plants in confined spaces such as cottages has ended up being a growing number of popular in the last years.

What is Spintax Checker?

Spintax Checker is a tool that allows you to check your spintax to make sure it is correct. This is extremely useful when dealing with spintax in your articles as one missing bracket could results in a lot of errors in the generated output text.

How to use Spintax Checker?

From the TOOLS menu, select Spintax Checker which is located under Other Tools.

Enter your spintax, click on the CHECK SPINTAX button and the tool will analyze it and search for possible errors, for example missing opening and closing brackets.

If there is an error with your spintax, the tool will show you an error message and tell you where the error is so you can easily fix your spintax.

If there are no errors in the spintax, the tool will give you a uniqueness rate for your spintax as well as the option to generate the output texts from your spintax in TXT format.

Note that you can generate a spintax for any of the articles created by our Content Curator tool, which you can read more about here.

Updated on: 21/01/2022

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