Articles on: Site Management Tools

How to create a Project in Site Manager?

How to create a Project in Site Manager?

Method #1

To create a new Project, open the Projects & Sites menu and click on Add Project.

Choose your Project name.

Think of Projects like folders, so a project name can be your Company Name or your Client's Company Name, or a Niche you are trying to build into, for example Texas Doctors or Health Supplements.

Click on Create.

Method #2

You can also create a new Project by selecting Site Manager from the Tools menu.

Once inside Site Manager, click on the blue + button at the top right hand side of the page.

You will then be asked to either Select or Create a Project as shown below. Click on Create a New Project.

Fill in your Project name and click on Create.

That's how to create a Project in Site Manager.

Updated on: 15/01/2021

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