What is Rank Tracker & How to Use it?
What is Rank Tracker?
Rank Tracker is a tool that allows you to track your Google, Bing and Yahoo rankings in the countries, cities and areas of your choice. It works for both desktop and mobile rankings. With Rank Tracker, you get detailed ranking tables and historical data so you can see where your pages or clients' pages rank in the search engines for the keywords of your choice and how the rankings evolve. Rankings are updated as often as you choose, on a daily, weekly or anythingPopularWhat is Local GeoGrid?
What is Local GeoGrid?
Local GeoGrid is a rank tracking tool that lets you track your Google Business Profile (previously Google My Business) rankings in different locations on a map. For example, in different suburbs in a given city.
This way, you can see where your Google Business Profile listing ranks in Google’s local results for the keywords of your choice and how the rankings evolve over time. With this tool you could, for example, discover the suburbs in your city where your orPopularHow does Rank Tracker, Local Tracker & Local GeoGrid Credits work?
Rank Tracker & Local Tracker Credits
Rank Tracker and Local Tracker share the same credit pool. Unlike other tools, the credits for Rank Tracker and Local Tracker do not reset every month. This is because the keywords added to these tools are regularly checked according to the check period that you have chosen. When you add a keyword in Rank Tracker or Local Tracker, the credit is deducted only once and there is no additional deduction when a re-check occurs.
For example, it costsSome readersWhat is YouTube Tracker & How to Use it?
What is YouTube Tracker?
YouTube Tracker is a tool that allows you to track your YouTube rankings. With YouTube Tracker, you get detailed ranking tables and historical data so you can see where your videos or clients' videos rank in YouTube for the keywords of your choice and how the rankings evolve. Rankings are updated every 5 days.
You will also be able to track the numbers of views, likes, dislikes and comments over time, as well as your competitors' rankings, so you can compare your pSome readersIn Depth Rankings Report
What is an In Depth Rankings Report?
An In Depth Rankings Report is a detailed ranking report that users can genearate using our Rank Tracker or Local Tracker tool. You can customize and design the report to suit your needs, using our report builder.
You can learn more about our Rank Tracker tool and how to use it here.
Customizing and Generating an In Depth Rankings ReSome readersWhat is Local Tracker and How to Use it?
What is Local Tracker?
Local Tracker is a tool that allows you to track the local rankings of any business registered in Google Business Profile (previously Google My Business). With this tool you can:
Access detailed ranking tables and historical graphs to see where your or your client's business ranks in Google's local results and how these rankings evolve over time. Local rankings can be updated as often as you choose: every day, every few days or every week.
Get automated LocFew readersHow can I change the 'Check Period' of a keyword in Rank Tracker and Local Tracker?
To change the 'Check Period' of a keyword, open Rank Tracker or Local Tracker and click on the site in question. Then, click on the '3-dot' icon on the right of the keyword in question and click on 'Edit Check Period'.
Select a new 'Check Period' and click on 'Save'.Few readersHow to Quickly Check Your Rankings With Instant Check
What is Instant Check?
Instant Check lets you quickly check keyword positions for any website in Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
It is suitable for quick research and is not made for rank tracking over time. If you want to track keyword positions over time, we recommend that you use Rank Tracker, which you can read more about here.
How to Use Instant Check?
From the TOOLS menu, select Instant ChecFew readersWhy is my ranking showing as "n/a"?
Why is my ranking showing as "n/a"?
When you use our Rank Tracking tools, you may see a "n/a" result.
Depending on the tool, here is what "n/a" means:
Rank Tracker checks for the Top 100 results in Google, therefore "n/a" means that at the time the check was carried out your site did not rank in the Top 100 results for that particular keyword.
Local Tracker checks for the Top 20 local rankings on Google, therefore "n/a" means that at the time the check was carried out yourFew readersHow to import my ranking history from another tool to SERPed?
Can I import my ranking history from another tool to SERPed?
It is possible to import ranking history/keyword positions from another tool to Rank Tracker using a CSV file. You can import up to 500 keyword rankings at a time. Below is an example of what data you need to provide on the CSV file for each keyword ranking you wish to import:
How to import my ranking history from anotherFew readers