Articles on: Other Tools

How to Use WP Manager?

What is WP Manager?

WP Manager is a centralized interface that connects to your WordPress websites or blogs via a plugin and allows you to easily update everything in a single click, without having to log into WordPress. This tool can help you save hours of tedious work every month, as well as improve your security, as outdated cores, themes and plugins can pose a security threat.

How to use WP Manager?

From within your WordPress dashboard, select Plugins, then Add New.

Search for our plugin in the search toolbar.

Install and activate the plugin.

Note you can also download the SERPed plugin from here and upload the plugin to your site.

Then from the side tool bar, select the SERPed plugin and you will then be asked to enter in the plugin key.

You can obtain your SERPed plugin key from the WP Manager section of your SERPed account. Copy and paste the plugin key to WordPress and click save.

Once you have installed the SERPed plugin, you will need to add the site to Site Manager. You can read more about how to do this here. The site will then be added to WP Manager and on the history page, you will be able to see the status of the SERPed plugin as well as the number of outdated plugins and themes for the site.

Click on the three-dot icon at the right and you will have the option to:

View details of all the plugins and themes for the site, including what plugins and themes need updating.

Recheck status of the plugin connection.
Assign Blog URL - This is if your blog is not in the root folder of your domain.
Delete the site from WP Manager.

With the SERPed plugin installed on your site, from the WordPress dashboard, you can also access and make use of other SERPed tools like Web Analytics and Site Auditor Pro. You can read more about Web Analytics here and Site Auditor Pro here.

You can also add a post or page as an inner page to Site Manager directly from the WordPress dashboard. Simply click on Posts and you will see the option Add Post to SERPed.

You will then have the option add the post as an inner page to Site Manager as well as add keywords from the post to our Rank Tracker tool, which you can read more about here.

You can watch the video below for more information about our WordPress Plugin.

Updated on: 02/02/2022

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